Setup Bundle Offers

Setup bundles

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Bearded Dragons

Bearded Dragons at The World Of Fish And Pets

(Pogona vitticeps)

One of the most popular reptiles, easy to keep, and a laid back personality! They love to interact with their owner, are very intelligent, and easy to tame.

Leopard Geckos

Leopard Gecko

(Eublepharis macularius)

Most common reptile kept as pets, easy to look after although is nocturnal. Comes in a variety of colour morphs.

Crested Gecko

Crested Gecko

(Correlophus ciliatus)

Often called eyelash gecko due to the long eyelashes, an easy nocturnal arboreal gecko.

New Caledonian Giant Gecko

New Caledonian Giant Gecko

(Rhacodactylus leachianus)

The largest gecko in the world! Also known as a Leachie, they are native to most of New Caledonia.

Hermans Tortoise

Hermans Tortoise

(Testudo hermanni)

One of the most popular pet tortoises to keep!

Panther Chameleon

Panther Chameleon

(Furcifer pardalis)

One of the most colourful chameleons available in beautiful patterns.

Jackson’s Chameleon

Jacksons Chameleon

(Trioceros jacksonii)

A three horned species of chameleon, known for its stunning prehistoric look.

Blue Tongue Skink

Blue Tongue Skink

(Tiliqua scincoides)

Very popular skink, eating a variety of different foods, they get large at approx 24inch.

Sulcata Tortoise

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(Geochelone sulcata)

Curious and fun make Sulcata Tortoises one of the most popular species to have as a pet!

Hognose snake

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(Heterodon, Leioheterodon, Lystrophis)

The hognose snake is a relatively small, stout-bodied snake, known for its cute looking face!

Carpet Chameleon

Carpet Chameleon Title

(Furcifer lateralis)

Carpet Chameleons, sometimes known as “Jewel Chameleon”, are one of the most vibrantly coloured chameleons out there.

Orchid Mantis

Orchid Mantis

(Hymenopus coronatus)

Beautiful pink and white Mantis with lobes on its legs similar to flower petals.

Frilled Dragon

Frilled Dragon

(Chlamydosaurus kingii)

An impressive lizard known for its defensive mechanism of ruffing up the frill on their neck.

Royal Python

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(Python regius)

A very calm friendly snake, great for all ages.

Leopard Tortoise

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(Stigmochelys pardalis)

One of the larger tortoises, with beautiful markings on their shells.

Rankins Dragon

Rankins Dragon 1

(Pogona henrylawsoni)

Small, cute and curious! Similar to Bearded Dragons.

Blue Gourami

blue guarami

A large gourami species that is very peaceful in a community tank, but needs a large tank size.

Glowlight Tetra

Glowlight tetra

A brilliant small shoaling tetra, great for all-size tanks best kept in shoals of at least 5 or more.