Tropical Fish

Glowlight Tetra

A brilliant small shoaling tetra, great for all-size tanks best...

£1.75 or 10 for £15


A really good community fish great for all size tanks,...

Clown Loach

Keep in shoals, a gorgeous-looking large loach that is very...

Bristlenose Pleco

One of the smallest pleco but has a huge appetite...

Electric Blue Rams 

A tank-bred species of ram, generally very peaceful and liking...

Three-spot Blue Gourami

A large species of gourami but very peaceful, fine with...

Silver Shark

Shoaling shark gets very large so they are only for...


A large growing tropical fish getting to around 6-8 inches...

Cardinal Tetras

A very popular shoaling tetra, a very peaceful keep-in shoal...

Male Betta

Also known as Siamese fighting fish, very popular incredibly beautiful...

£10 upwards

Red Torpedo Barb

The most stunning large shoaling barb, ideally keep in a...

Harlequin Rasbora

Great fish for smaller tanks, keep in shoals of at...



The best know and most commonly kept tropical fish, comes...

Red Cory

Very peaceful shoaling catfish, great for keeping gravel clean from...

Female Betta

Very popular and easy to keep Betta, females can be...

Pearl Gourami

Usually peaceful and very hardy, gets to around 4 inches....