
Setup Bundle Offers

FREE viv setup and install, 15% off an animal, FREE...

Bearded Dragons

(Pogona vitticeps)

One of the most popular reptiles, easy to...

£120 (starts from, depends on morph)

Leopard Geckos

(Eublepharis macularius)

Most common reptile kept as pets, easy to...

£75 (starts from, depends on morphs)

Crested Gecko

(Correlophus ciliatus)

Often called eyelash gecko due to the long...

£69.99 (depending on colours)

New Caledonian Giant Gecko

(Rhacodactylus leachianus)

The largest gecko in the world! Also known...

Hermans Tortoise

(Testudo hermanni)

One of the most popular pet tortoises to...


Panther Chameleon

(Furcifer pardalis)

One of the most colourful chameleons available in...

£250 (Bluebar & Redbar)

Jackson’s Chameleon

(Trioceros jacksonii)

A three horned species of chameleon, known for...

£350 (Male)

Blue Tongue Skink

(Tiliqua scincoides)

Very popular skink, eating a variety of different...

Spur Thigh Tortoise

(Testudo graeca)

Friendly and warm tortoise companions....

Sulcata Tortoise

(Geochelone sulcata)

Curious and fun make Sulcata Tortoises one of...

Hognose snake

(Heterodon, Leioheterodon, Lystrophis)

The hognose snake is a relatively small,...

Carpet Chameleon

(Furcifer lateralis)

Carpet Chameleons, sometimes known as "Jewel Chameleon", are...

£350 (female)

Frilled Dragon

(Chlamydosaurus kingii)

An impressive lizard known for its defensive mechanism...

Zebra Jaguar Carpet Python

(Morelia spilota cheynei X mcdowelli)

A stunning morph displaying a...

Royal Python

(Python regius)

A very calm friendly snake, great for all...


Phantom Pied Royal Python

(Python regius)

A stunning example of a Phantom Pied Royal...


Leopard Tortoise

(Stigmochelys pardalis)

One of the larger tortoises, with beautiful markings...

Rankins Dragon

(Pogona henrylawsoni)

Small, cute and curious! Similar to Bearded Dragons....

Yemen Chameleon

(Chameleo calyptratus)

Also known as veiled chameleons, the easiest of...

£75.99 females

Corn Snake

(Pantherophis guttatus)

A very easy snake to keep, great for...

£60 upwards 

Ackie Monitor

(Varanus acanthurus)

Also known as ridge tail monitor, a dwarf...


Horsefield Tortoise

(Agrionemys horsefieldii)

Probably the most popular tortoise species, very friendly,...

Royal Python – Adult

(Python regius)

A very calm friendly snake, great for all...

Common Boa

(b. Imperator)

Large species of snake, easy to keep can...

Striped Gargoyle Gecko

(Rhacodactylus auricularis)

An easy-to-keep nocturnal gecko, a low temperature of...